The evolution of the times and the needs of consumers, who are increasingly sophisticated in their choice of product, have led the company to make radical choices: the installation of a bottling plant at its work site and the use of modern raw material processing technologies, in order to offer consumers a high quality product at extremely competitive prices.
Our Goals
Telling the story of the De Capua brand means retracing the history of three generations, from the beginning of the 20th century to today.
The first generation
The story began with the founder of the De Capua family, grandfather Gavino, who founded the oil and wine production company. After the war, Italy established itself among the main producers of oil, starting a genuine and healthy Mediterranean food tradition. Thanks to Italian migrants, oil soon began to be appreciated and requested abroad as an important culinary component, however during that period there was no packaging, the oil was produced and then sold in real wooden barrels for wine, and sent all over the world.
Vendor Biography
The evolution of the times and the needs of consumers, who are increasingly sophisticated in their choice of product, have led the company to make radical choices: the installation of a bottling plant at its work site and the use of modern raw material processing technologies, in order to offer consumers a high quality product at extremely competitive prices.
Our Goals
Telling the story of the De Capua brand means retracing the history of three generations, from the beginning of the 20th century to today.
The first generation
The story began with the founder of the De Capua family, grandfather Gavino, who founded the oil and wine production company. After the war, Italy established itself among the main producers of oil, starting a genuine and healthy Mediterranean food tradition. Thanks to Italian migrants, oil soon began to be appreciated and requested abroad as an important culinary component, however during that period there was no packaging, the oil was produced and then sold in real wooden barrels for wine, and sent all over the world.