La Torrente
La Torrente

La Torrente

Vendor Biography

Since 1965…

“Philip! Savior! Don’t keep dad waiting, otherwise he’ll leave you at home this time!

I seem to still hear my mother Annunziata’s voice calling us from the kitchen, sweet and severe at the same time. My brother Salvatore and I, fighting against sleep, dressed in a hurry for the most awaited day of every summer, the day of tomatoes,

The fresh air of the early morning and the smile of our father Giuseppe who made us climb into the bed of the truck, together with the cassettes, remain among the most beautiful memories of my life.
The journey to the countryside was long, but to us it seemed interminable. We couldn’t wait to help dad and all the other adults pick the tomatoes that peeked out from the green plantations.

With a leap, Salvatore and I were already on the ground and we started chasing each other with the boxes in our hands, competing to see who could pick the most tomatoes. Every now and then dad came to watch over us, looking into the boxes that we were slowly filling.

If he spotted some tomatoes that were too ripe or “not too ripe”, he would remove them and patiently explain to us how to recognize and pick only the best ones, “Because a good puree – he said – must be made only with the most beautiful tomatoes!” .

When the sun was beating down, dad invited everyone to eat and rest a bit. Our mother Annunziata and the other women were busy washing the dark beer bottles and laying out the sheets of cloth for the tomatoes to drain in the sun. After playing hide and seek in that little forest of clothes, to keep us busy, the adults gave us the task of helping them remove the “‘o streppone” from the tomatoes and pass them in water.

I still remember how carefully dad, mum and the others cut the tomatoes, while the “cavurare” were eager to welcome the red gold of that very hot summer. We carried out every small task that was assigned to us with scrupulous attention, to the point that we heard people say: “You can see that Filippo and Salvatore are the children of Don Giuseppe and Donna Annunziata! They have passion in their blood!”

Our parents’ eyes filled with satisfaction, even if there was no shortage of lectures, especially when we played with the “tins” that would close the amber bottles full of scented puree.

The tomato festival continued until sunset, when the women tidied up everything and dad distributed his tomato boxes to each family. The others would be taken to the market. Many summers have passed since then and that holiday has a date of birth and also a name. It’s called La Torrente and since 1965 it has been a celebration every day.


The first packaging system that Giuseppe and Annunziata Torrente used to preserve tomato puree was the beer bottle. This choice was made because it was an effective and economical system. Effective because the chemically inert glass made it possible not to add preservatives, then, thanks to the amber colour, the tomato was protected from light and lasted longer. Economical because the reuse of beer bottles considerably reduced production costs. Furthermore, the 66 cl format was optimal for family consumption.

Forerunners of reuse, Giuseppe and Annunziata Torrente have made a small glass bottle a real time machine capable of preserving advantages and values​​that are valid today more than ever.

From father to son, La Torrente management has always remained in the hands of the family.
After Giuseppe and Annunziata, the helm passed into the hands of Filippo and Salvatore, who today, together with the third generation, preside over all areas of company management; preserving the legacy of the original values ​​in the management fabric. Over the years, thanks to innovation and creativity, La Torrente has progressively grown in turnover and in the belief that producing preserves is a family passion.


The beginning of the 70s marks the turning point in the Torrente Giuseppe company, cans begin to be used for packaging peeled tomatoes, while the processing of tomatoes is almost entirely done by hand, canning becomes mechanical, the first machines are born manually controlled to hermetically seal cans.

Thanks to these innovations it was possible to meet the continuously growing demand, the La Torrente company produced and canned 15,000 quintals of tomatoes.


These are the years in which Filippo and Salvatore, sons of Giuseppe and Annunziata Torrente, officially become part of the family business, which at this point becomes an LLC, production has grown significantly, reaching 30,000 quintals of tomatoes processed annually, yes inaugurates the first production line built on 4000 square meters and intended to satisfy the needs of the whole of Campania.


At the beginning of the 90s La Torrente became a large factory, on an area of ​​10,000 square metres, in addition a second factory was created in Sant’Antonio Abate, used as a warehouse to store the enormous quantity of 70,000 quintals of processed, bottled tomatoes or boxed, distribution now reaches all of Southern Italy, thanks also to the fleet of vehicles that has been forming in recent years to meet the continuously increasing demand.


We have almost reached the end of the millennium and the La Torrente company distributes its delicious products throughout Italy, production has exceeded 120,000 quintals of processed tomatoes. It is also the historical period in which La Torrente received the first ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 Company Certifications.


Production continues to grow at a very fast pace, it has more than doubled, and in just a few years it has now reached 300,000 quintals of processed tomatoes.


La Torrente, thanks to the continuous checks carried out both in the internal laboratory for quality certification and in external specialized laboratories for the healthiness of the product, is certified with Product Certifications and Supply Chain Traceability.


To date, the La Torrente company reaches the production of 550,000 quintals, divided into various categories for Catering, Retail, Ready-made Sauces and Special high-quality kitchen products.  La Torrente today avails itself of BRC and IFS Company Certification.